Practice areas: Intellectual property, corporate and commercial
Industries: Industrial in general, furniture, mechanical and automotive, bio-medical.
Business Profile:
Graduated in Law at the Università of Bologna, member of the Register of Lawyer of Bologna from 1993.
She achieved a PHD in European law, with specific focus on anti-trust issues, she cooperated for ten years with the University of Bologna in the area of international law and EU law, then her activity in leading law firm has been focused mainly on the area of intellectual property and corporate law, as well as intellectual property related agreements (domestic and cross-border) and client’s representation in all degree of court proceedings regarding breaches of intellectual property rights.
In this area her advisory is addressed mainly to corporates and is focused mainly on patent rights and trademarks’ protection (from initial stages of registration procedures, to IP domestic and cross-border commercial contracts – e.g. licences –, assistance in court proceedings in case of breaches of IP rights), but also on labour law (in particular the management of personnel and relations with unions).
She regularly advises leading corporates (e.g. Industrial in general, furniture, mechanical and automotive, bio-medical) in all aspects involving the above-mentioned intellectual property rights and labour law aspects.
Languages: Italian (mother tongue), English (fluent), French (fluent)
Principali Settori & Foro competente
Settore manifatturiero-industriale, arredamento, meccanico, biomedicale
FORO principale: Bologna
FORI ulteriori: Sezioni specializzate per le imprese in tutta Italia
Contacts: Via Matteo Bandello n. 15
20123 Milano
Tel: + 39 02 38257
Fax: + 39 02 481 82 20
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